Saturday, August 31, 2019

Children and Their Security Object Essay

Some younger children usually between the ages of 8 and 12 months will become very attached to an object for a few years. Most parents are familiar with the so-called â€Å"security blanket.† Sometimes it is the most stained blanket in a child’s collection. Other times, it is an old stuffed animal. Regardless of what inanimate object a child chooses as their beloved security blanket, it’s difficult to separate the two. There are many benefits and significance for a child to have a security object and numerous misconceptions on regarding the relationship between a young child and their security object. It is very beneficial for younger children to have a security object. Most children will grow attached to an object when they are starting to be weaned from their mother because that’s a very emotional time. This object helps the child get through this critical transition so it is not so horrible. Young children with security objects do not throw such a fit when they have to be left with other adults and children, because they feel like you are still with them through this stressful situation. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that a security blanket can be especially beneficial when incorporated into a child’s bedtime ritual (Roberts, 2011). attachments Having this object just personifies all the positive and comforting things in this child’s world. The relationship a child has with their security object is very significant to them emotionally and physically. Children will usually give their object a name and be devoted to it because it gets them through being away from their parents. Young children usually hate being left with someone when their parents have things to do they are so use to having them all the time so when a child has this object with them it makes them feel like they have a piece of their parents there with them. These objects give the child emotional support, a sense of security, and it helps make them feel safe through stressful situations. This object helps the child grow and become independent instead of dependent. Parents often have misconceptions about their child and their security object. Many parents have believed it is signs that the child has insecurities and weaknesses. A study done by Richard A. Passman, psychologist at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, shows that children who possess a strong attachment to a security blanket demonstrate less anxiety in a stressful situation (Wikipedia, 2013). Another misconception is that security objects promote thumb sucking which that’s just another self soothe children use. To take a child’s security object away from them would traumatize them greatly. The child will outgrow this item by their selves when they learn to deal with stressful situations. The importance of the relationship between a child and their security object is so great and with this essay some of them have been explained. There is no need to be concerned about this object it is just there for a few years to pretty much give them their parent when their parent cannot be there. I hope this essay has explained enough of the facts about security object that parents will take into consideration all of the pros and the cons before they think badly about security objects and try to take them away. There are the benefits and the significance of a security object to a young child and it is very important not to believe the misconceptions about it because it will be a lot worse to take it away. References (paragraphs 2-4) (The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that a security blanket can be especially beneficial when incorporated into a child’s bedtime ritual.) (paragraphs 3-4) (. A study done by Richard A. Passman, psychologist at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, shows that children who possess a strong attachment to a security blanket demonstrate less anxiety in a stressful situation.)

Ethnography Proposal Essay

In my ethnography I’m going to study a coffeehouse chain, such as Starbucks. I will be observing as well as socializing in attempt to compare and contrast multiple characteristics one must have to face in working in such an environment. At Starbucks the Baristas must have a genuine upbeat personality to each customer. I would like to study a locally owned coffee house as well to compare the different environments and how one might keep a small business afloat when we have such large chains. I will be observing the interactions that the Barista have with each customer and how he/she will handle that customer. I plan to visit at least two separate coffee houses that are relatively close to one another and will ask several customers from each shop why they chose each coffee house. I will spend about two to three hours at both houses at around the same time of the day. I will be sitting with a notebook to take notes on what I’m observing. I may also include a brief interview with at least one barista, in which i plan to approach with a simple question asking if i could have a moment of their time to answer a few questions about their work environment. Questions will not be intrusive in any i am looking for more generic answers as to how they like working for chain/independent coffee houses. The reason i have chosen to study this group is because i want to figure out how a small business can compete with a large chain such as Starbucks. Everywhere i go i see a Starbucks and most classmates would like to meet at a Starbucks so i can observe the different occasions people come in besides getting a cup of coffee. Also caffeine is the worlds most popular stimulate and four out of every five Americans drink coffee at any given time. Some problems i will face in my research will be timing. When is the best time to come in and observe? How long will i be there for? I tend to notice by experience that coffee shops hit off at certain times of the day and are very empty at others. Where the coffee shop is located will be a factor as well. Some questions i had about my study is, I’m not sure who i should lean my study towards, would it be more difficult to look at customers or at the employers. Also should i be comparing separate coffee houses or just sticking to one?

Friday, August 30, 2019

What does Eliza consider to be her real education

The play is an adaptation of the Greek myth of Pygmalion who fell in love with a statue as it was more real in the understanding of its own composition than the actual women he had observed and grown despondent to. It is a work that closely follows the relationship between society and linguistics, wherein the women is real, but has yet to have her manners sculptured. In particular, it highlights the role of convention and articulation in relation to identities, depicting this through the subject of Eliza.In this paper the author will be addressing the subject of the play and its central character, whilst examining the effects that learning the speech of, what was considered, correct English had on her. Main Body When first completing the text, it is clear that there is an irony in the play that brings forth the now famed social and political points to the surface. However, one may be forgiven for considering these points relevant in today’s society, though in a more fractured sense. This is because they relate to speech and language use in relation to social standing.// Although social standing in today’s liberal society is becoming an ever more redundant concept, using someone’s speech as an indication of someone‘s identity is still in evidence. This notion is apparent in the main plot line in which Eliza becomes entrapped to the perspective of a new language system. When adopting the role of the speaker, Eliza adopts a slowly differing identity that emerges with child like astonishment before she changes into what is essentially a different person. It does not continue to be a liberating and learning experience.Rather, the liberation of a woman hiding behind the veil of civility in a bid to expose it, perhaps showing the power of the human spirit over class in the process, is lost. That is to say, that on speaking the language through the conventions of class Eliza loses sight of the world through her former eyes and comes to view i t through her new language that cannot be escaped. Essentially, it is through this change in persona that the play delivers its moral warning and cutting implication in that the core of the human being cannot escape from the language that it uses to identify itself with.The language and convention used by those of high society is responsible for each of their perspectives and it is not the person or people‘s speaking the language. Essentially, if you are to change the person’s language, language use and perspective then they themselves will come to define themselves and their being according to the structural meaning inherent to the language that is used by that society. This is indicated throughout Eliza’s discussions and becomes the main rationale for all that she does.For example, in one part of the play she states that ‘’you know I can't go back to the gutter, as you call it, and that I have no real friends in the world but you and the Colonelâ⠂¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Shaw, 1998). This short extract shows the great division based upon the language being used and the fact that it is represented by a social reality, in this case being social standing. What is interesting about the use of language in relation to others is the way in which Eliza is accepted and rejected at different times during the play.For example, it first appears that Eliza is rejected from society as her language does not denote the correct social grouping, stock and/ or class. This is first justified as being because of her use of language, accent and the incorrect convention. However, it appears on later reading that the convention is of little consequence as she uses the same convention, but put to a different context. Rather, it is the response from others alone that make it something of note.At one point during the play she makes the assertion that speaking properly (meaning without a cockney accent) is simply learning to dance in a fashionable way, which acc entuates this point even further. Essentially, the assertion that she puts forward here relates to the realisation of the superficiality of language in its conventional format as both languages mean exactly the same thing from a pragmatic perspective.At this stage she is learning the meaning of language and the convention of getting from one thing to another via language use. She realises that the only difference is a superficial one as the functional meaning (cause and effect) is the same whichever language is spoken. Essentially, the only different in the language is the significance of the source of referents, which dictate a different context to convention.Therefore, her conclusion is that it is merely a state of fashion in which the dancer dances the same, but where one dancer adopts the fashionable style, the other is overlooked as being able to dance (Baudrillard, 1968). This conclusion relates to the elements of high society that come with the speakers of proper English and that are not afforded to those of a poorer language, such as cockney. Those that do not speak the language are simply those that do not speak of anything meaningful, when in reality there is simply a clash over the source of referential meaning.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Color of Paradise and Other Movies Movie Review

The Color of Paradise and Other Movies - Movie Review Example The film â€Å"Paradise Now » develops into a thriller when something goes wrong during the early stages of the plan’s execution. Said and Khaled become separated and Jamal is convinced that Said may be betraying the cause. This movie is a tough film because of what it attempts to do, which is in regards to the fact that it is a rare thing for a movie to present events of the Arab/Israeli struggle from the Palestinian side, where terrorists are viewed as ‘martyrs’ and ‘freedom fighters’ instead of killers. This movie is certainly one of speculation and possible great controversy, and yet regardless is brave for dealing with such sensitive and so-called ‘faux-pas’ issues. Trois Couleurs: Bleu is a movie of great interest. The director and writer, Krzysztof Kieslowski, tells the story in this film from the perspective of Julie (Juliette Binoche), which necessarily makes the film very dark and introspective. Overall, in the end, the story of this film isn’t a terribly ambitious one, but at the same time it remains devilishly interesting and enjoyable and maintains a slow burn throughout which leads to an explosive finale. This movie is one of a complex psychological study of emotional liberty. The plot is that Julie, wife of the famous composer Patrice de Courcy, must cope with the death of her husband and daughter in an automobile accident which only she herself survives. While recovering in the hospital, Julie even attempts suicide in her distraught stage. For the remainder of the film, she devotes herself to mental suicide, disassociating herself from all of her past memories and distancing herself from former friendships. Visually, the director uses many techniques in order to properly portray the sense of loss and Julie’s internal conflict – both of which are primary topics of the issue in this film. As Julie watches the funeral for her husband and daughter from her hospital bed, the dark shadow of her finger caresses the tiny casket on the screen. This movie is one of a certain emotion, and a number of critics rate this film as one of the great motion pictures of all time.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

M7 discusion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M7 discusion - Assignment Example The row totals and the column totals in a two-way table give the marginal distributions of the two variables separately. There are two marginal distributions in a two-way table and each marginal distribution from a two-way table is a distribution for a single categorical variable. The conditional distribution of the row variable for one specific value of the column variable is each entry in the column as a percent of the column total. The conditional distribution of the column variable for one specific value of the row variable is each entry in the row as a percent of the row total. The complete conditional distribution gives the proportions or percents for all possible values of the conditioning variable. The conditional distribution reveals the nature of association between two categorical variables. The chi-square statistic (denoted by χ2) measures the relative difference between expected and observed frequencies (cell counts). It is a measure of how much the observed cell counts in a two-way table diverge from the expected cell counts. The Chi-square statistic is computed by first taking the difference between each observed count and its corresponding expected count, and Taking Square of these values, than dividing each squared difference by the expected count, and finally taking sum of all the values. The chi-square is appropriate to use when the variables are simple random samples (SRSs), measured on categorical level and the average expected cell count is 5 or greater and all individual expected counts are 1 or greater, except in the case of 2 Ãâ€" 2 tables. All four expected counts in a 2 Ãâ€" 2 table should be 5 or greater. The two models for using a chi square test are ‘Comparing several populations: the first model’ and ‘Test independence: the second model’. In the first model, independent SRSs are drawn

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Effect of a Brief Seminar on Retirement Planning for Senior Dental Article

Effect of a Brief Seminar on Retirement Planning for Senior Dental Hygiene Students - Article Example rences in relative risk aversion, a variable that derives its theoretical relevance and explanatory power from the life-cycle hypothesis of consumption and saving (Jefferson, 2007). These studies would be a back ground in the investigation of the knowledge and attitudes of senior dental hygiene students in regard to personal financial investing and retirement planning for their future through a brief pre-test survey. However a number of literatures are available inquiring into the factors affecting the decisions differentiating consumption and saving. An individual’s holdings might be influenced by the asset holdings of other household members and thus portfolio composition appeared to be affected by factors that go beyond an innate gender difference in approaches to risk. Other relevant institutional factors might include the workplace and peer groups (Clark-Murphy and Gerrans P, 2001). In the analysis of information on pension coverage and pension plan characteristics in the 1992 and 1995 Survey of Consumer Finances, indicated that both gender and marital status affected the way individuals chose to allocate their retirement investments across different assets and the investment behavior of married men and women was significantly different from that of single men and women. (Lyons A & Yilmazer T, 2004). Studies by Sunden A & Surette B(1998) also had suggested similar impact of gender and marital status on retirement investment. Further, Lundberg and Ward-Batts (2000) had studied the effect of age and education on the saving behavior of individuals and families. The household decision taking process was further added as a factor affecting the investment decision as collective modeling study done by Lyons A & Yilmazer T (2004) assumed that whoever controlled the resources within the household had a greater impact over the financial decisions within the household However the relevance of retirement planning has been reiterated by a number of literatures

Monday, August 26, 2019

Movie analysis Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis - Movie Review Example The thesis is: Burton uses sound, lighting, shadows, camera angles and shots, mise-en-scene, and characters to show that people should go beyond appearance and balance rational and supernatural beliefs because they lead to open-mindedness and critical thinking that are essential in finding the truth. Significance of the Paper The working title of the paper is: The Rational and Irrational Sides of the Truth in Burton’s Sleepy Hollow. This paper is important because it wants to determine the varied ways that a film explores contesting ideas about the concept of â€Å"truth,† especially when the setting and culture affect ideas about knowledge and reality. This topic is also original because so far, many of the research done on the film have not fully explored the theme of finding the truth. ... They are the most proper methodologies because they help provide an original and insightful response to the question, while using established and credible resources to support its elements. Below are the outline and the research plan for this paper. Outline: The Rational and Irrational Sides of the Truth in Burton’s Sleepy Hollow The thesis is: Burton uses sound, lighting, shadows, camera angles and shots, mise-en-scene, and characters to show that people should go beyond appearance and balance rational and supernatural beliefs because they lead to open-mindedness and critical thinking that are essential in finding the truth. I. Introduction A. Hook through an insight about the truth B. Summary of the film C. Introduction of the thesis II. The conflict between appearance and substance A. Sounds to depict sinister appearance 1. Digetic sounds 2. Non-diegetic sounds B. Camera angles and shots to portray substance 1. Angles of characters to depict their personalities and motives 2. Angles of settings to signify meaning 3. Shots of setting and people to support the narrative and themes III. The clash between rationality and the supernatural A. Rational versus irrational 1. Camera shots and lighting of country versus city 2. Characters and symbols of science versus witchcraft B. Man versus woman 1. Characters and symbols of feminine versus masculine 2. Diversity in gender, rational witches versus evil witches IV. Individual versus social interests A. Truth about individual evil 1. Characters and unfaithfulness to jobs and women 2. Character with morals B. Individual versus society 1. Greed and vengeance 2. Love versus finding the truth and attaining justice C. The truth 1. Open-mindedness and critical thinking 2. Self-sacrifice V.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN PHILOSOPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN PHILOSOPHY - Essay Example Furthermore, it tells us that knowledge is acquired through the exercise of reason, understood as a faculty that can operate independently, in whole or in part, of a posteriori evidence. One of the elements which is most central to Nietzsche’s philosophy is illustrated in his famous declaration that, â€Å"God is Dead!† (Cahn 1227) This affirms a complete rejection of metaphysical, moral, and religious truths as grounds for reality. Unlike the Socratic philosophical canon, Nietzsche contends that the spiritual dimension is illusory. To Nietzsche, the existence of God, religion, morality, ethics, free will, freedom, and laws are mistakes for they are nothing but imaginary causes, an imaginary psychology. In his view, such things are nothing but mere projections of one’s psychological desire for security and calculability in life. In addition, it presupposes a denial of universal morality as the basis for human conduct. Nietzsche believed that once the existence of God is unveiled as an illusion, then it follows that God can no longer be implemented as the foundation for human ethical conducts. This leads to the assertion that all inquiries, dispositions and morals will be founded on the subjective will of individual self. Thus, unlike the Socratic philosophical canon, Nietzsche affirmed the individual self as the basis of all inquires and norms. This is Nietzsche’s theory of the will to power. Nietzsche’s (Cahn 1241) will to power is defined as the drive to dominate the environment. This drive, so central is the Will to Power. This Will to Power is more than simply the will to survive. It is, rather, an inner drive to express a vigorous affirmation of all a person’s powers. In doing so, the individual shall not only reaffirm his or her own subjective standards but moreover, they will gradually reach the consciousness of the higher type of man, the Ubermensch or Superman. For Nietzsche, the temperament of the Superman sha ll enable individuals to revitalize faith in their creative powers and this earthly existence. However, Nietzsche declares that not all people can attain the awareness of this superior type of individual. He claims that only those who excel in their mental and physical constitutions can procure the temperament of the Superman. He insists that the superman must have complete freedom, i.e. that one should not decide to practice a certain code of ethics, for the will to power will gradually decline. By this, the individual weakens and suffers. To explicate further, Nietzsche accused Christianity for advocating virtues that undermine and destabilize one’s will to power. Here, Nietzsche presents his doctrine of the two-fold history of good and evil. This doctrine reveals that there exists two types of morality, i.e. master morality and slave morality. For Nietzsche, master morality is one that is built on the will to power. He is one who considers that which is good = Powerful; ba d = Weakness. Also, he is one who practices generosity, not out of pity but out of excess. Those who practice this type of morality are the elite and noble men, meaning those who determine their morals according to their own personal standards. On the other hand, slave morality is that, which is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Wiki, Blog, and Podcast analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Wiki, Blog, and Podcast analysis - Essay Example Such a transition may require one or more strategies from the following as defined by Ballard (2008): This presentation is pertaining to the feasibility analysis of Wiki, Blogs and Podcasts for Smith Systems Consulting for the purpose of two way interactions with the customers. The paper is presented in the form of feasibility study and proposal for Smith Systems Consulting. The organization is in the business of web site development for the customers staring from conceptualization to productionization. Smith Systems Consulting uses cutting edge programming, database & networking tools, methods and techniques to develop the websites for their customers. In order to keep in touch with the customers, Smith Systems Consulting wants to carry out research on Wiki, Blogs and Podcasts to verify their feasibility for this purpose. The author hereby presents their feasibility analysis in the next section. Austin and Coates et al. (2009) define the Wiki as a fully editable website on which users can read and add content to contribute to a framework of collaborative knowledge. One of the most prominent examples of Wiki is the Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia that comprises of more than 2 million articles available in 265 languages. The content on Wiki's can be updated by any user through a web interface that allows almost instantaneous updating of the content. The system is subject to reviews like peer reviews, expert reviews, abuse control, etc. Wikis can be public (editable by anyone) or private (editable by a closed user group). i. Type of Information that Wiki can effectively convey Wiki is used as shared knowledge database in which content is added and managed related to a particular subject matter, project, reporting matter, conference, discussion groups, on-line terms & glossaries, dictionaries, collaborative software development, etc. Hence Wiki can be used for any collaborative environment for knowledge sharing. The content in Wiki can be entered and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business Function Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Business Function - Essay Example A business entity chosen should also draw from how much personal liability is involved and the entrepreneur’s ability to raise the capital required to begin the business because each entity requires a certain amount of initial capital. The various types of business include, the sole trader or proprietorship and partnership, which fall under the unincorporated firms and the private limited company and the public limited company that are under the incorporated firms’ category. With this, this essay will delve into the different types of businesses and their definitions and will also describe the three different types of business ownership with examples where possible. Lastly, the essay will further focus on the factors that should be considered by an entrepreneur when starting a business. Ideally, determining the type of business structure that an entrepreneur should choose draws from the way in which the chosen organization will meet his/her needs. Additionally, the type of business structure that an entrepreneur chooses depends on whether they want to run the same on their own or with the help of partners and associates. The three main business types, namely sole proprietorship, corporations and partnerships are discussed below. In essence, the sole trader type of business is the simplest of the three as it is easy to start and does not require too much paperwork while in partnership business form, ownership is shared between partners that contribute towards the start of a business based on a common business idea that they might have had. Incorporation is the other business structure where a business becomes a legal entity in which the shareholders of the same do not become legally liable for the activities, debts, or responsibilities of the corporation. The sole trader type of business is the simplest of the three as it is

Thursday, August 22, 2019

On the brink of war Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

On the brink of war - Coursework Example Charter†. Another example of logos was the statistics which showed the sum of money spent by the administration. Byrd thought it was dismal, because â€Å"this administration has squandered a large projected surplus of some $5.6 trillion†. Furthermore, in this speech we can observe a few examples of ethos, when the Senator made references to authorities. â€Å"The distinguished Senator from Illinois, Mr. Durbin, and I have been talking about that†. However, the most numerous are the examples of pathos, to my mind. â€Å"There will be children, little boys and girls dying if this war goes forward in Iraq. And American men and women will die, too†, â€Å"but on whom will we depend when these men and women are gone to foreign lands to fight a war if a war faces us here at home, a different kind of war† and others. The whole speech was based on the Toulmin method of argumentation. There was a clear split between sides. The Senator neither gave neutral statements, nor analyzed the opposing side. On the contrary, all his claims were highly judgmental, focused on strengthening his viewpoint. Byrd underpinned his thoughts by data, warrants and backing. The idea of entering a new war was ominous for him. â€Å"We may have massive military might†¦ but remember we have had massive military might before. How many millions of men marched to the drums of war only 60 years ago? Thirteen million American men under

Breakfast cereal market Global trends Essay Example for Free

Breakfast cereal market Global trends Essay Product segmentation The breakfast cereal market consists of two types of products: breakfast cereal and ready-to-eat breakfast cereals. For the year 2008, the ready-to-eat cereals dominated the market with about 88. 1% of the market share while hot cereals accounted for the remaining 11. 9% of the market. The corresponding figure for the year 2006 was 91% for ready-to-eat cereals (Marketline, 2009, p. 4). Following is the convenience market segment information for the breakfast cereal information. Fig – 1Consumer Market Segment Information (Costcutter, 2008, p.2) Following are the global market share of each of the following product segment. Fig – 2Market share by different product segments (Costcutter, 2008, p. 2) Market Value The global market for the breakfast cereal industry had a value of $ 22,209 billion which meant a growth rate percentage of 2. 9% from the last year. The compound annual growth rate for the last five years i. e. from 2004-2008 was also 2. 9%. The largest geographical market for the breakfast cereal industry is America which accounts for 63. 2% of the total market value (Marketline, 2009, p. 4). The complete market growth is mostly as a result of growth in premium products rather than the overall volume. As mentioned earlier the target market for breakfast cereal as baby boomers and children. Of this the children’s market accounts for as much as 42% f the entire ready-to-eat breakfast cereal market. The biggest selling children’s brand for ready-to-eat breakfast cereal is Coco Pops. This brand alone was responsible for as much as 43 million pounds of the total 501. 9 million pounds of sales in UK in the year 2007. This is astonishing because the market has been rife with warnings from food associations regarding salt and sugar content in breakfast cereals (Muddy Cook, 2008, p. 2). In terms of value, the industry has growth by 15. 7% between 2004 and 2008 with the figures being particularly strong for the year 2007. The figure below shows the trends for global breakfast cereal trade by value. Fig – 3Global Breakfast cereal trade, by value in US $ billions (USDA, 2005, p. 5) In addition to this, the figure below shows the increase in global export market for breakfast cereal. As can be seen an increase in the rise of both private label as well as foreign competition has hampered in the increase of US share in the exports. Fig – 4 Global export market for breakfast cereal (USDA, 2005, p. 6) United States is the third largest importer of breakfast cereal. This fact is also a cause of concern for the domestic manufacturers who contribute for the maximum market sales in the world. The import value is shown in the figure below according to which the market showed an increase of 30% over the 1998 figure. Canada and France remained the top importers followed by United States. The countries following this were United Kingdom with an import value of $126 million and Germany with an import value of $114 million. Fig – 5 Top global import markets for breakfast cereals (USDA, 2005, p. 8) The breakfast cereal market desperately needs new markets. The figure below shows the requirements for a few such markets. Fig – 6 Import demand for Breakfast cereal in select markets (USDA, 2005, p. 17) Market Volume The global market volume for the breakfast cereal industry was 3,536. 8 million Kg which was a rise of 2. 2% over the last year. The compound annual growth rate for the last five years i. e. from 2004-2008 was also 2. 2%. This figure is expected to reach a value of 3914. 1 million Kg in the year 2013 which would mean an increase in volume by about 10. 7% since 2008 (Marketline, 2009, p. 4). The figure below shows the trends for global breakfast cereal trade by volume. Fig – 7 Global Breakfast cereal trade, by volume (USDA, 2005, p. 6) Distribution The main distribution channels for the breakfast cereal industry are the supermarkets/ hypermarkets that account for 79% of the market’s value distributed. This is followed by independent retailers who account for 8. 4% of the market’s value distributed (Marketline, 2009, p. 4). Competitive environment The figure below shows the percentage share of the major breakfast cereal companies by volume for the year 2007. As can been seen from the figure, Kellogg dominates the market with 36. 4 % of the market share. Another interesting aspect is that the industry is entirely dominated by branded products with the three largest companies i. e. Kellogg, General Mills and Kraft Foods, accounting for 63. 3% of the total market value by volume (Marketline, 2009, p.4). In fact the top 20 brands in breakfast cereal market account for as much as 70% of the total sales. The household penetration of cereals is as much as 97%. Fig – 8 % share by volume of global breakfast cereal markets (Marketline, 2009, p. 4) In addition to these three companies some other popular companies of breakfast cereal are Quaker, Nabisco, Sunshine, Kashi, Health Valley, Malt-o-Meal, Mckee, Ralston, Unilever, Frito-Lay in North America, Cargill Inc. Tyson Foods, mars Inc. ConAgra foods Inc. , Weetabix and Cereal Partners (an alliance between Nestle and General Mills). Entry Deterrents The size f the breakfast cereal industry as per both the profits as well as the volume is immense as can be seen from the statistics above. The growth rate of the industry too has been fairly decent. The industry has been in existence for about 100 years, however save for the early entrants and the entry of the private-labeled brands, the industry has been relatively clutter free. In fact according to the marker share figures also it can be seen that not many companies could afford to enter the industry and make any significant impact. This is a rather unusual situation and the reason for the market deterrents can be seen from in the figure below. Fig – 9 Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the Global Breakfast cereals market (Marketline, 2009, p. 3) Looking at the figure it becomes clear that the market entry is favorable for those companies who wish to diversify their operations in the breakfast cereal market. While the entry can definitely be made by an entirely new company it may encounter problems.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Human Resource Management And Equal Opportunities Commerce Essay

Human Resource Management And Equal Opportunities Commerce Essay Within an organisation, the management is a process of five fundamental functions, planning, controlling, organising, staffing and leading. Human Resource management (HRM) is the planned and logical approach to the management of an organisation especially in regards to its assets for example the staffs who independently contributes to the achievement of the business objectives. HRM is also the function that concentrates on the policies and practices that need to be carried out within the organisation, including recruiting screening, training, rewarding, and appraising and other such activities. Having HRM in a business is very essential and there are many reasons why it is important. If there is not an effective process of human resource management within an organisation there is a chance that many things that are not useful for the organisation could occur such as hiring an unsuitable person for the job, workers not doing their best, business time wasted with useless interviews and experiencing legal and labour issues. On the other hand, a good HRM system would allow the organisation to experience high turnover and give the organisation support in achieving good outcomes. HRM is a method of getting individuals and organisations together so that the goals and objectives of each are accomplished. There are a variety of characteristics of HRM which include it being present in all enterprises, it also focuses on results rather than on rules and policies and it tries to assist workers to fully develop their working potential. HRM also encourages workers to give their best to th e organisation and produce good results and it also helps an organisation meet its aims by building and maintaining good relations with people working at different levels in the organisation. In commercial organisations and businesses, the HRM is influenced by many different factors which also affect its strategy. These include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Size of the workforce and arrangement à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increasing expectations of employees à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Radical modifications in technology and life-style à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Environmental challenges à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Impact of new economic policies and political ideologies of the Government à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Existing culture in the organisation There are four common objectives of HRM: Societal objective: To be socially responsible for the needs and challenges of the society. Organizational objective: To recognize HRM exists to contribute to organizational effectiveness. Simply stated the department exists to serve the rest of the organization. Functional objective: to maintain the departments contribution at a level appropriate with the organizations needs. Resources are wasted when HR department is more or less sophisticated. Personal objective: To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, personal objectives of employees must be given importance in order to retain, maintain and motivate them. Literature review Under the Equality Act 2010 it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against you because of your sex (DirectGov 2011). Men and women in the same employment have the right to equal pay for work of the same value. Define equal opportunities (200) Equal opportunity is a standard of non-discrimination which highlights the opportunities in education, employment and benefits, and also in other areas which should be freely available to all citizens in regards to their age, race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, or any other individual or group characteristic which is not related to ability, performance, and qualification. The right to equal opportunities is one that is given evenly to all. Since the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, there have been many issues raised of equal opportunities in the workplace for women. Equal opportunities is concerned with keeping within the law and ensuring that all personnel decisions concerning pay, recruitment and promotion are based only on an individuals ability to do their job well. This is achieved by pre-empting discrimination through a systematic policy approach to all aspects of personnel activities. Diversity is a more wide-reaching approach to equal opportunities work. It incorporates the princ iple that all workers should receive equal rights but, rather than ignoring the differences between people in terms of their gender and race, this diversity should be recognised and respected. By valuing the varying qualities that different workers bring to their job and organisation, managers may create an environment where everyone feels valued for their individual talents, and where his or her skills and competencies are fully utilised.Unleashing all employees full potential benefits the bottom line. Why it is important? Business are nowadays more interested in equal opportunities because it allows businesses to gain benefits. People are more attracted to businesses that have equal opportunities in place and have same policies in place for males and females. Over the past decades, gender inequalities has been an issue in the management system of organisations. This means that all employees are treated with fairness and respect in that they are not subject to discrimination or harassment in the workplace.Equal Opportunity is an outcome, not just a process. It is also very important to have equal opportunities set in the management of business as it attracts more clients, more customers and in turn more sales.   Factors that affect equal opportunities : Small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and family businesses do not really take into account equal opportunities. On the other hand, large organisations value the human resources system and equal opportunities very much and it is essential for the daily running of their business. Define managing diversity : Managing diversity effectively follows on from, and expands on, equal opportunities. Diversity may be defined as the presence of differences among members of a social unit. Embracing diversity brings to an organisation a wide range of experience, ideas and creativity whilst giving the individual employee a feeling of being enabled to work to their full potential. Managing diversity means establishing a heterogeneous workforce to carry out its potential in an reasonable work environment where no member or group of members has an advantage or a disadvantage (Torres and Bruxelles, 1992). The focus of the workforce diversity issue has diverged from equal employment opportunities to effectively managing workforce diversity as an organisational essential. Managers should be able to bind the issues of managing cultural differences to the needs of the business and be well rooted in business issues, goals and results. Managing the diversity in an organisation should be considered by managers as an opportunity to serve the requirements of customers better and also to influence new markets. By valuing and managing different workers, it is possible to enhance flexibility, creativity and quick response to change. Why is it important : Companies that manage diversity among their employees can get the most benefit out of each employees unique talents, experiences, insight and creativity. The successful management of workplace diversity reflects positively on a company. Many customers choose to do business with companies that are fair in both their hiring and promotional procedures. The companies that properly manage diversity within their organization can increase their chances of doing business with more diverse vendors and partners, even on an international level. Managing diversity means acknowledging peoples differences and recognizing these differences as valuable; it enhances good management practices by preventing discrimination and promoting inclusiveness. Good management alone will not necessarily help you work effectively with a diverse workforce. What problems women face in business especially management : Much as the public and business people would like it otherwise, women are still facing obstacles that men are not. Yes, they have made progress, but theres a lot more to be done before they can drop the phrase special challenges. Women have always taken part in the work force but have traditionally worked in lower-status jobs or at pay rates which are lower than men. For one point to consider, women are still working less than our male counterparts in management due to the male dominated. In a Boston Globe article titled, Gap shrinking, but women still working for less/Study cites gains; disparity lingers, 3/4/04, staff writer, Diane E. Lewis refers to a new study presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston the previous day. She states, The pay gap between young men and women is smaller than its ever been, but women still face an uphill climb in the workplace. How equal opportunities overcome women problems in organisations : With equal opportunies in place women are being treated fairly and equally. It also eliminates discrimination and encourages consultation between employers and employees on any issues. Women have the right to work regardless of their colour, race, age or disability. There is no difference in pay or promotion. They are being treated the same. How managing diversity in HR overcomes women problems : Managing diversity is about valuing differences. Women are treated with dignity and allowed to perform to their level of ability. From the organisation perspective it means improved effectiveness and efficiency. Conclusion In summary, the management process within an organisation consists of five fundamental functions which are planning, controlling, organising, staffing and leading. To make management more effective and more directive in terms of the organisations workforce, human resource management is introduced into the organisation. HRM is the function that involves things such as recruiting, screening and policies.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Special Interest Tourism And Heritage Tourism Tourism Essay

Special Interest Tourism And Heritage Tourism Tourism Essay Special interest tourism can be defined as the provision of customized leisure and recreational experiences driven by the specific expressed interests of individual and group. (Douglas.N, 2001) In earlier days tourism word was termed as mass tourism.Mass tourism was the logical outcome of key social, economic, political and technological influences after the Second World War. Post-war was peace and prosperity, paid holidays, charter flights and cheap oil lubricated the wheels of tourism change (Po on 1993, pg 4). According to Poon( 1997) new tourism is a phenomenon of large scale packaging of non-standardized leisure services at competitive prices to suit demands of tourists as well as the economic and socio-environmental needs of destinations. Large scale packaging has been done by tour operators, airlines and multinational hotel groups who hold significant influence towards political economics of destinations and host communities all over the world. Special Interest tourism as defined by world tourism organization specialized tourism involves group or individual tours by people who wish to develop certain interest and visit sites and places connected with a specific subject. Generally speaking, the people concerned exercise the same profession or have a common hobby Special interest tourism activity includes wide variety urban, regional, well-established and newly emerging contexts. New tourism is a phenomenon of large scale packaging of non-standardized leisure service at competitive price to suit demands of tourism as well as the economic and socio ­-environmental needs of destinations. (Poon,1997) Question 2: How according to Douglas (2001), might this product be described as being complex? Author has chosen Heritage tourism as a product of special interest tourism. Heritage tourism is important for various reasons first of all it has a positive economic and social impact and helps the locals to preserve their historical monuments, museums, canals etc. And according to the study made travelers spend more money and stay more then other type of tourism As per Douglas special interest tourism is a complex phenomenon characterized by flexible delivery, market segmentation and advances in technology affecting management and distribution. (Douglas-2001, pg3). Douglas termed it as a complex phenomenon. It might because of its effect on the current market trend and scenario or it might because of its effect on the communities who deliver the special interest tourism products. This complexity is directly linked with the communities who deliver SIT products. This complexity can be better understood by explaination by Douglas (2001) Douglas says The search for new experiences threatens current investment and provides alternative stresses on infrastructure like roads, transport systems, existing technology and accommodation, and access to sensitive natural locations. Both public and private sectors see problems with small-scale, personalized tourism traffic. (Douglas-200 1, pg 5). With increasing complexities in ones life these days, people are perpetually looking for a medium through which they get some peace of mind. This is where another science, that of meditation and spirituality comes into the scene. Meditation and Yoga are synonymous with India and Indian spirituality. Meditation is one of the most important components of Yoga, which is a mind-body therapy involving a series of exercises. Question 3: Identify the reason for the growth of your example of SIT. Link your discussion to factors such as trends in consumer behavior and tourism industrys search for competitive advantage? The reason for the growth of heritage tourism is nothing but its the changing trend in the consumers taste. From mass tourism it is very specific segment of the tourism who wants to explore the historical aspect of the monuments etc. Heritage tourism basically attracts consumers which are really willing to know countrys historical events, battles, monuments etc. The reason for the growth of heritage tourism is increased leisure activities, high consumers. Educational tours has been organized by various institutes to heritage attractions, to encourage their students to learn more about their country past instead of reading these historical buildings, monuments on books. Media promoting the growth of heritage tourism through televisions worldwide and encouraging more more international tourists towards their countrys heritage attractions. Indias culture is like a rainbow of multiple facets which accommodates music, dance, performing arts, paintings and literature in itself which have gained recognition and fame from every comer of the world. Foreign tourist arrivals in India have grown from 6.9 percent in 2000 to 13.2 percent in 2005 for heritage tourism, The growth of heritage tourism is directly linked with the growth of Indian economy. From mass tourism now its been specific tourism. as there is development in the country its led to the flow of tourist. Interest towards heritage tourism is very basic. As india is a place where there are many thing has happened, it is national movement, other historical movements, monuments like Taj Mahal, Mythological importance- there was Ramayana and Mahabharat kind of mythological events happened In india that automatically attracts attention of modern people to see the monuments and places. Questions 4: Who has responsibility for providing this particular type of product or service and to whom? (Note the latter requires you to examine what is the typical consumer profile of your SIT product?) It is the responsibility of the government and other intermediaries involved in tourism to make aware people about the site, places, monuments, and services and facilities at the place should be improved. The Indian tourism department looks after the publications distribution of promotional literature on India, information brochures for the tourists with the collaboration of Travel agents, tour operators, network of hotels, airlines, media, newspaper etc. The Tour operator service is to providing information related to travel to domestic or international tourists and arranging travel itineraries, hotel bookings, travel arrangement and combining all this into complete package. Sometimes, they also suggest tailor made itineraries to suite their guest requirement. These tour operators also work in close contact with various travel agents to arrange all above services. Both tour operator and travel agent work together in providing above services to a traveler in India. Tour Operators can be classified as Inbound Tour Operator and Outbound Tour Operator. Inbound Tour Operator provides services with in a country and Outbound Tour Operator arranges itineraries for travel outside a country h ttp:// India receives largest number of overseas tourists from the United Kingdom, followed by United States, Sri Lanka, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Australia, Singapore etc as a Heritage tourist. So not nationally it is internationally attracts the people to come and visit the places of historical importance in India. So it is the national and international both segment that has to be explored , attracted, and invited by providing better facilities, and infrastructure, and security by the government of india, state government, and other intermediaries of heritage tourism and local people too. Questions 5. Is there a link to sustainable development here? If so how? Sustainability in tourism-special interest tourism and with special reference to heritage tourism in India is not a big issue. Author believes that it is the basic facilities and infrastructural development that will keep the interest of the tourists towards heritage tourism in India. This heritage product is such kind of product of special interest tourism that is being treated as basic of tourism. People generally moves out to see the heritage properties of the country first compared to other product of specialized tourism. Sustainable tourism is an essential meaningless construct if the external context, and its effect on sustainability, are not taken into account in the planning and management of destinations and business. (Weaver-2006, pg 22) The above statements by Douglas refer to potential threats, which can disrupt the growth of wine or food tourism to a large extent. Every business should take into account external forces like climate, politics, social unrest and war before planning and making strategies. But the nature of wine tourism is self-sustaining.Wine-related tourism is therefore a significant factor in sustainable rural development, most obviously through the creation of jobs, the sale of local merchandise and the potential for creating linkages with other local business. (Douglas-2001, pg 320) Viticulture also has the capacity to provide sustainable land use in previously uneconomic agricultural areas, while tourism can help support the viability of agricultural diversification and m aximize the returns on existing viticulture. (Douglas ­2001, pg 322)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Russel Edsons Counting Sheep :: Edson Counting Sheep Essays

Russel Edson's Counting Sheep After British scientists had cloned a sheep called Dolly, people were asking them why they had done it and they said because they could do it. Last week it was anounced that the human genome had been decrypted. Although everybody agrees that this is a blessing for mankind, many people are worried about what scientists might do with their new toy, again, just because they are able to do it. Long before anybody even thought about cloning sheep, Russel Edson had them shrinked. His poem "Counting Sheep" is a subtle approach to the question of use and misuse of science. The ability to shrink matter certainly stands for a technically very advanced culture, in which scientists must have almost god-like powers. But after shrinking the sheep, this scientist "wonders what he should do with them." In a way, he resembles a child and the innocent atmosphere of the poem contributes to this impression. He falls asleep counting sheep. Like in Goethe's "The Magician's Apprentice", the creation overcomes its creator. However, when the scientist thinks of possible uses for his invention, he thinks about "a substitute for rice, a sort of wooly rice", but never about shrinking hostile armies and crushing them with the tip of a finger. Edson makes him look so naive, that we almost forget that we are dealing with a very serious issue. Even when the scientist rubs the sheep "to a red paste between his fingers," he doesn't do it on purpose but seems more like a bull in a china shop. What if it were not sheep but apes or even humans? He definately has the po wer to do that. We are reminded of the scientists who discovered nuclear power. It had never occured to them that someone might use it to build the worst doomsday weapon ever. By describing the minimum credible accident, Edson makes us think about the maximum credible accident. Like "The Death of an Angel", "Darwin Descending" and "The Automobile", "Counting Sheep" is partly a parody on our modern society's attitude towards science and technical advancement, which has almost assumed religious features. Edson comments on the way we treat our scientists like half-gods and on our blind believe in their seemingly unlimited powers.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Recycling to Preserve Our Environment Essay -- essays research papers

Many people assume that the environment is not in danger. They believe that as technology advances, we do not need to worry about renewing natural resources, recycling, and finding new ways to produce energy. They state that one person in the world does not make a large difference. In reality, each individual's contribution greatly affects our environment. Our natural resources are slowly disappearing, and we must work together to save them and the Earth from ruin. Recycling is important in the effort to preserve our environment for future generations. We are running out of locations to put landfills. Recycling is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of waste stored in landfills, yet many people do not know how easy it can be. For example, whenever I go to Shoprite ® and I b...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Nationwide Insurance’s Use of BI to Enhance Customer Service

Why did Nationwide need an enterprise wide data Warehouse? Nationwide insurance company is one of the largest financial service company, with $23 billion in revenue and more than $1 60 billion in statutory assets. So in this large business nationwide insurance company experienced a various data issues, like data in-consistence, data reputation, dissimilar data processing, his will shows on business decisions and strategy on market.To resolving the issues Nationwide insurance started using Enterprise data warehouse technology from Attracted, it is a single data warehouse. It would provide best practices to make strategic and tactical business decisions. Data Warehouse is less expensive, stored in single place from different various systems also it will be helpful during critical analysis stage using clean and standardized data and provide solutions in short time instead of spending analysis, gathering he data, cleaning and stored in multiple places. . How did integrated data drive the business values? National wide has developed a customer knowledge store (CSS); it is a customer centric database. The integrated data improve the market and better communication with customers, significantly improved on the customer satisfaction. Sing integrated financial data can improve the customer priorities and resolve the issues in given time like clarify the queries, suggestions, current market situation and etc.In the current market customer satisfaction is very important at any given time using this integrated data business can achieve the goals. 3. What forms of analytics are employed at National wide? In National wide various types of business analytics are used, the data warehouse supports the descriptive analysis for all the business operations. In Predictive analysis the customer Knowledge Store to identify the kinds of customer interactions that are important for customers at different points.In he Prescriptive analytics the financial performance management approache d single data and technology architecture with a common set of systems standardizing the process Of financial data. 4. With integrated data available in an enterprise data warehouse, what other applications could National wide potentially develop? The case described customer relationships and financial reporting. Other areas of development pricing of products, regulatory compliance, hiring, risk management, and the location of facilities.

ESSAY- The Farewell Party Essay

Saying farewell to a person, or even the thought of doing so is quite a shuddering idea to look into. This is quite hard when deep bonds are forged and lifelong friendships are made between many people. Imagine the thoughts of some of the students in the school when they learned that the twelfth graders are to soon depart from their beloved school and go on to make their lives. Even though this is in fact a normal passage of life in all schools, this is in fact the first batch of students to leave the school, so this is quite a new thought in everyone’s mind, but nonetheless, the fact that someone is leaving and perhaps could not be seen again is an eerie thought, and something you don’t want to have. see more:how to write a welcome speech Students, not wanting to ponder upon the twelfth graders time of departure, but wishing to celebrate and enjoy every single second left with the departing, decided to give a farewell party, to give a grand exit with great hopes and lots of luck to those who will leave soon. The farewell party was already planned by some very initiative and foreseeing minds a few months before even people realized the vastness of the idea, and planning was already in speedy progress. There were obstacles like every idea or problem does but that did not deter the very determined students of other grades, who wish to give a great surprise to all those in twelfth. There were plans upon a beautiful cake to start off the event at hand, followed by playing games and organizing activities for the â€Å"guests† to endeavor into, and also lots of conversations would be started filling up some time. Then all the twelfth graders will be asked to give a small speech to make their peers from lower grades understand what they are up to face and what task could be done in which specific way, all which will stay as valuable advice. Soon plans for the location and time came up and everyone involved rushed off to dedicate themselves to their arduous but to be fruitful tasks. Even some teachers join in to give their beloved students a good impression of what they are setting forth to achieve in their live. After long and pained meetings, discussion and planning, the farewell party finally happened, and lots of people were there, friends and accomplices of those who are leaving. There was much activity in the room we were in. There were colors of all types floating across the room hanging from any equipment on the walls or ceiling, to give a vibrant impression. The drooling smell of cake and other snacks drifted through the whole room, lifting many hearts and attracting them like moths to a light. There was loud chatter amongst the occupants, but that ended as soon as the program commenced. There was a lot of reactions and emotions amongst the people there as one by one all the activities were done, after which the twelfth graders gave a speech, giving their thanks, and helpful advice, and also showing their deepest gratitude and kindness for all those there for thinking of something to lift their hearts as thy venture out into the world. After the party was over, there was a lot of chatter (and show of emotions) after realizing the enormous aspect of this thought. The twelfth graders were constantly giving thanks to everyone and patiently answering everyone’s questions, but most of all, they were controlling their emotions for, they too were sad about leaving a place so close to their hearts. The people who are staying are showing what they already feel: signs of happiness and sadness mixed with each other, and thinking upon what could occur. All in all, something like farewell has really stirred up any deep emotions within all, and has caused tightening of bonds and friendships and also the exchange of contacts like foreign currencies. But aside from that thought, in the end, everyone left feeling satisfied happy and excited about their futures, living in the moment and achieving their goal of giving a great farewell to those who are leaving.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hari Raya Festival

Hari Raya Festival Hari Raya Puasa will be celebrated by the muslims after one month of fasting. Me and family as a muslims, Hari Raya Puasa is a special fasting on the month from foods and drinks from Subuh until Maghrib . This festival will be celebrate for month either. In Malaysia, we can see the muslims early prepared for the becoming special day. They decorate their house, buying new clothes and making many types of food and cookies for the special day.The night before the special day arrived, my family and I as usual    a lot of activities happen same as the other festival. I can see my parents and my grandmother will busy making delicious food, while my little brother were enjoying themselves playing fire-crackers with other family members. The house    which is located far from the town especially, will be decorated with ‘Pelita’ arrowed the house. ’Pelita’ is made up from bamboo stick actually, but now people had invented a new kind of ‘ Pelita’ which is made from plastic that is safe to used.The main menu for muslims on Hari Raya are ketupats,lemang ,rendang and many types of biscuit. These food can be seen other peoples and relatives houses. Usually, there must be held by the muslims. Different kind of races will be visiting their muslims neighbours house to celebrate together the special day. Lastly, I hope that Malaysian people can maintain that style. Every festival have their own specially. I also hope that from the coming years, Hari Raya Puasa will be celebrated more happening as I’ve done my job as a student. Amin.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Notes on Art History

Note: This statue of an Ancient Egyptian woman clearly shows the way of dressing in Ancient Egypt. This statue belongs to the New Kingdome period. Body: The woman is wearing a kalasiris, a typical ancient Egyptian dress. The length of the dress tells us that this woman probably belonged to the upper class, as working woman mostly wore a kalasiris in a shorter variant. The dress is made of linen, which was perfect for Egypt’s hot climate. The dress is undecorated, but does have a lot of pleats going in various directions, which must have been very labour intensive.Head: The woman is wearing a wig, made of human hair or date palm fibres. The hair is curled and was kept together by wax. The wigs were only worn by wealthy people. Accessories: Jewellery was very popular in Ancient Egypt, no matter what you social status was. They were known for wearing lots of jewellery in turquoise metals like gold and silver and small beads. This woman is wearing a gorgerine, which was a typical Egyptian necklace, existing of metal discs, worn on the chest. Minoan Snake Goddess figurine, 1600 BC, Herraklion Archaeological MuseumNote: This is one of a series of figurines, showing a woman holding a snake in each hand. It was found during excavation of Minoan archaeological sites in Crete. It represents a goddess. Little is known about their identity, but it tells us a lot of the way the Minoan women dressed themselves. Body: The goddess is wearing a tight bodice, which leaves the breasts bare. She also wears a long skirt which is comprised of seven overlapping flounces, which are strips of cloth, gathered and sewed on by its upper edge only. The flounces appear to be thick and were probably made of wool, a popular fabric used by the Minoan.Over the hips, she wears a double-apron, which is bordered with stripes and patterned with a simple diagonal grid of lines The skirt and apron are secured by a belt , which emphasizes the figure’s wasp-waist and accentuates the curve of the hips. Head: The headpiece , the goddess is wearing shows a series of three dark-painted, raised medallions. Accessories: The goddess is wearing a tiny bracelet on her right wrist. The Minoan were famous for their beautiful jewellery production. Note: This female Minoan figure is dressed in traditional Minoan clothing.The Minoans were known to have a more advance and complexed culture, which is shown in the artistically designed and skilfully made clothing they wore. The figure of the Minoan woman, with large breasts and hips and a tiny waist, as very similar to that of the late 1800 woman, who wore tight corsets to make their waist small and hoops under their skirts to increase the size of their bottom. Body: The woman is wearing a colourful blouse and skirt that shape the body well. The skirt is tight at the waist and flares out towards the bottom in a bell shape. The skirt consists of several strips of fabric, sewn together.The layers of fabric have a pointed shape in the centre, facing towards the floor. The blouse is close fitted to the body and has a low cut in the front to expose the breasts. Head: The woman has long dark hair, which hangs loose on her shoulders. Accessories: She wears ring shaped earrings and a belt, which was very common in the Minoan culture. Because a tiny waist was prized, some historians believe that Minoans would wear a heavy metal belt since their early childhood, forcing the waist to stop growing. Scene of Sacrifice, c. 540 B. C. Pitsa, National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greese, painting, wood.Note: This painting shows an animal sacrifice in Corinth. It is one of the 4 painted wood slabs of Pitsa that were found in 1934 near Sicyon in a cave above the village of Pitsa in Corinth. Body: The woman are wearing a blue peplos that is decorated with a pattern. It is a rectangular woollen fabric that is folded at the top, so that the top part falls over the body. The peplos is fastened at the shoulders with pins. Over the peplos, the woman are wearing a red cape, a chlaina. It is made up of a rectangular piece of fabric which is draped around the body.The young men in the painting are wearing a blue, short chiton which reaches their knees and is fastened at their left shouder with pins. Head: The woman have their long hair tied back in a ponytail, while the men have short cut hair. Accesoires: The figures are all wearing a wreath, a headpiece made of goldon leaves. Briseis and Phoenix Painting on a cup, Brygos, ca 490 B. C. , Vulci, Louvre Museum, Paris, France Note: This attic red-figure cup shows Phoenix and Briseis. It is an ancient Greek art work from the Classical period. Body: The woman is wearing a long chiton with many folds and pleats.The chiton is made of linen, a light fabric, suitable to the cimate and which makes it easier to form pleats with. The tunic is wrapped around her body and pinned along at the shoulders and arms, forming two loose fitted sleeves. The man is wearing a chiton as well, which reaches his feet. On top of the chiton he wears a himation, large piece of fabric, draped arount the body and used as a mantel. Both chitons are decorated with a playfull motif at the bottom. Head: The woman has her hair tight back into a bun, with some strings of hair falling loosy besides her face.The man has a long beard and his hair cut short. You can clearly see that he is old, due to his undyed white hair colour. Accesoires: Both man and woman wear a hairband. Statue of august, national museum of rome, 100 AC Note: This Ancient Roman statue shows Augustus. A Roman emperor who ruled the Roman Empire from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD. In that era, all men wore the same type of cloth, but the fabric and way it was worn, marked important social differences. Agustus, being an emperor is therefore a clear example of how people of higher social status would wear their clothes.Body: Augustus is wearing a tunica, an essential garment in the warderobe of the ancient Roman man. It consists of two pieces of rectangular fabric, one set on top of the other. It was sewn together at the sides and the top wit holes left for the head and arms. This tunica has long and wide sleeves. On top of the tunica, Augustus wears a toga. A long cloak which is draped around the body. Head: Augustus has short cut hair and his toga is draped around his head to form a hood. Court of Emperor Justinian with Macimian and court officialsand Praetorian Guards, Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy, 547 AC, MosaikNote: A clear example of clothing from the Byzantium era. Body: Justinian, in the centre, is wearing an imperial chlamys with a large lozenge shaped goldon panel (tablion) and an opulent brooch. Underneath that he wears a white silk tunic with tight sleeves (Divistion), which is decorated with god stripes and circular roundles and gold embroidered rd shoes. The Dignitaries wear a white chlamys with a purple tablion an an embroidered tunic. The archbishop Maximianus we ars a goldon chasuble and a white dalmatic with very wide sleeves and purple stripes.Head: The figures have slightly long hair at the back. Maximianus is somewhat bold and has a little beard and mustache, just like some other men portrayed. Accesoires: Justinian wears a two-tired gemstone encrusted crown on his head and an opulent brooch that is fastened at his rght shoulder. Maximianus wears a pallium around his neck, a white wool strip which is decorated with a cross. The bikini girls, mosaic, 4th century AD, Roman Villa of Casale, Italy. Note: This piece of art, dating from the Diocletian period (186-305 AD) is evidence that the Romans were one of the first to wear a bikini.Although the woman depicted are wearing a bikini as sportswear and not as swimwear. Body: The female atheltes are wearing a two-piece swimsuit that resembles the bikini as we know it today. The top part covers the breasts and has no elastic bands tied around the arms, but is probably kept in place at the back. The bottom part, looks like it is a piece of fabric that is folded around the womans lower body. Head: The woman have different hairstyles. Most of them have their hair tied back, which is more comfortable when playing sports.Others have long hair that falls on their shoulders. Accessories: One of the woman in the centre is wearing a headpiece made of flowers, she is probably wearing it because she won the competition. The consular diptych of Manlius Boetius, who was consul in 487 AD, Santa Giulia Museum, Brescia, Italy. Note: This artwork resembles the type of clothing worn by the Barberians and Nomads. Their clothing style was more practical than that of the Romans and consisted of loose and simple garments. Body: Boetius wears an embroidered woollen toga which reaches the ankles.The toga has long sleeves, is draped around the body and wrapped around the right hip. Head/ Accesoires. : It looks like Boetius is wearing a diadem of goldon leaves on his head. This is a picture of Cha rlemagne is an example of how the fine linen and silk togas of the Romans disappeared and were replaced by the clothing of the less civilized people, the Romans had called Barbarians and Goths. Charlemagne always wore the traditional costume of the Frankish people. Body: He is wearing a blue silk cloak which is trimmed with bands of decoration. His legs are covered by a hose and he wears shoes at his feet.On top of his cloak he wears a red/brownish mantel that is loosly draped around his shoulders and fastened with a brooche at his right shoulder. The mantel is deorated at the neckline. Head/ Accesoires: On his head he wears a golden crown, embellished ith jewels. This template from the Middle-Ages shows what the knights would wear. The knits are wering under clthes that consists of a linen under-shirt and linen under pants. These would prevent the armor from chafing the Knights skin. They woul also wear a padded garment, known as a Doublet, that consisted of a quilted coat which wa s either sewn or stuffed with linen .It served as padding for additional armour worn over the top. Woollen stockings cover their legs and over their armour they wear a robe which is fastenedaround the waist, known as a Surcoat. The surcoat is emblazoned with the cote of arms or device of the Knight in order to identify the knight in the battle. On their head they were a helmetwhich is slightly pointed at the back. Nicephorus III and Officers, c. 1074-1081, Bibliotheque nationale de France Manuscript Coislin. This painting of the Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus iII, is a good example of Byzantine Imperial costume. The emperor is magnificently attired in Byzantine silk.Over his blue and goldon tunic he wears a darker bue cloak, fastened by a gold-and-ruby brooch and decorated with a large tablion, woven of gold thread. On his head he wears a bejewelled crown and around his neck a superhumeral, which is a imperial decorative collar. The Arnolfini Portrait, Jan van Eyck, 1434, Oil on oak, National Gallery, London. This painting is believed to be a portrait of the Italian merchant Giovanni di Nicolao Arnofili and his wife. It is a very realistic painting and therefore a good example of Late Medieval costume. The two figures are richly dressed.The man’s tabard, a short sleeveless cape, and woman’s dress are both lined with fur, judging from this we can say that they are both wearing their outerwear. The woman’s dress has elaborate dagging (cloth folded and sewn together, then cut and frayed decoratively) on the sleeves and a long train. Underneath her green dress, she wears a blue underdress which is trimmed with white fur and has long tight sleeves. The man’s tabard is made from purple silk and has long full sleeves which are tight at the wrists. Head: The man wears a hat of plaited straw, dyed black, as often worn in the summer all the time.The woman wears a white cotton wimple on her head. Accesoires: The woman wears a brown leather belt around her waist. The only other jewelry visible are the woman’s plain gold necklace and rings. Rogier van der Weyden, Portrait of a Lady, c. 1460, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. Van der Weyden portrayed this woman in high fashionable clothing. The woman wears an elegant low-cut black dress with dark bands of fur at the neck and wrists. This type of clothing resembles the then-fashionable Burgundian style, which emphasises on the tall and thin aesthetic of the Gothic ideal.The dress is buckled with a bright red sash below her breasts. The buckle is gold. Head: On her head she wears a buff-coloured hennin headdress that is draped with a large transparent veil, which spills over her shoulders, reaching her upper arms. The veil forms a diamond shape and matches the transparent vest worn under her dress. Her hair is pulled backwards in a tight knot. Accessories: The woman wears a gold necklace and 2 rings around her fingers. Sant’Orsola e le compagne, miniatura , 1380 , Parigi, Biblioteca Nazionale Body: The women are wearing dresses with a low round neckline.The top of the dresses fit closely to the body while the skirt hangs loose and has several pleats. The sleeves are long and wide at the cuffs. The underdress is of a different colour and visible at the wrists and its sleeves fit tightly around the arms. Some dresses have a simple print. Head: The woman wear a hat that consists of a frame of wirework, covered with embroidery or other trimmings. Titian, Portrait of Philip II of Spain (1527-1598), 16th century, oil on canvas. Body: Philip II is wearing a silk doublet in a gold/brown colour with a decorative print.The pants, breeches, he is wearing, falls just above the knees and is of the same fabric as the doublet. Under the breeches he wears a white hose. Philip also wears a mandilion on top of his outfit, a loose hip-length coat that is decorated with a pattern. Head: Phillip has his hair cut very short and a tiny beard and pointed mo ustache. Accessories: Accessories were very important in the 16th century as they represented wealth. Phillip wears several bracelets and rings and a necklace. Shoes: Philip wears simple white silk flat shoes. Marcus Gheerraerts the Younger, Portrait of Elisabeth I, c. 592, National Portrait Gallery, London. Body: Elisabeth I wears a crimson gown that is barley visible on either side of her waist. The gown has a white satin lining that matches the petticoat, bodice and hanging sleeves. Her petticoat is pinned to a cartwheel farthingale. The bodice has a broad, low, square neckline and ends in a V-shape at the front of the waist. The shoulders are very wide and puffed. Head/ Accessories: Elisabeth I wears gloves and a van in her hands. Her jewellery consists of several necklaces of pearls reaching the waist, a flower shaped necklace and some beads in her hair.She also has a high standing ruff around her neck of a transparent fabric and a crown on the back of her head. Giovanni Battis ta Moroni, An Italian Tailor, c. 1570, National Gallery London. Body: The Italian Tailor wears a light pink, tight fitted doublet over a heavily padded red hose. The doublet is fastened by a row of pearl buttons at the centre front. His white blouse, worn underneath the doublet, has some small ruffles at the cuffs and the neckline. Head: His hair is cut short and he has a small beard and moustache. Accessories: The man only wears a brown leather belt around his waist.Manteau, ca. 1685-90, Contemporary fashion plate by Bonnard Body: The woman wears a mantua. Instead of a bodice and skirt cut separately, the mantua hung from the shoulders to the floor. This mantua is looped and draped over a contrasting petticoat. The dress has a low squared neckline and short puffed sleeves that reach just below the elbows. The petticoat is fastened at the centre front with decorative buckles. Both petticoat and mantua are embellished with a print. Head: The woman’s curly hair is worn swept up into a high pile. She also wears a scarf in her hair.Accessories: She has some bracelets around her left wrist and wears a cross formed necklace. Portrait, c. 1660, France Body: The man wears a large simple dark coat that is embroidered on the left shoulder. Underneath this he wears a long-sleeved ruffled white shirt, which can only be seen at the wrists. A small falling collar with round edges, made of lace, hangs around his neck. Head: The man doesn’t wear a wig and shoes his natural long dark fuzzy hair. He has little facial hair around his lips. Fashion plate, Jean de St Jean, 1688, France Body:

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Crimes of the Heart Essay

I choose Babe as the character that I would make a â€Å"through-line. † She has one of the more detailed and complex background stories. They are complex, because it is not extremely evident why they are significant. However, once one deeply analyzes her character, it becomes evident why these stories about her are so important in trying to understand Babe. Babe’s ultimate goal is to understand her complex reality. Unlike the other Magrath sisters, she has been deeply pondering the reason behind her mother’s suicide. She even goes so far as to think about it before each suicide attempt told in the novel. Each time, she feels closer to her mother due to her self-discoveries. For example, she is extremely happy to learn that her mother hung the old, yellow cat not out of hatred but out of fear of loneliness in the afterlife. She is also one of the few characters that try to understand Meg’s promiscuous and crazy personality. Babe describes the after affects Meg had after finding their mother dead. According to Babe, Meg would look at pictures of people diseased or in pain in order to prove that she was not weak. This desire to appear strong translated into other areas of Meg’s life. The way Babe tries to accomplish her goal of understanding her reality is by acting like a child. Babe sees the world through a child’s lens. She asks many questions, cannot control her emotions, and does not understand social norms. One example where she cannot control her emotions is when her sister is in the room and she tries to claw out the rope from the drawer. Rather than discreetly take the rope, she feels the need to claw it out and kill herself immediately. Similar to a child, she also does not understand social norms or their consequences. While Babe is pretty and has men after her such as the young lawyer, she prefers small children. Babe cares for and has sexual relations with a small boy, Willie Jae, who is only 15 years old. It seems she feels better connected with young children, versus adults her age. Additionally, Willie is African American. During such a time, having just contact between the two could have led to significant punishment for the both of them. Rather than simply understanding her situation, she appears oblivious to it. When Willie Jae must go north for protection, she asks why. It seems she does not completely understand the way certain races are viewed in society. Her act as a child saves her in the end. Her lawyer had a fanatical obsession with his personal vendetta against Zachary; however, he gave that up for her sake. He loved and cared for Babe’s child-like and kind personality. Babe has probably used her perceived child-like innocence before. As she tries to understand the world, her child-like characteristics both help her and are a detriment to her. Through-line: -Dad abandons her and her sisters Mother hangs herself in the cellar along with the old, yellow cat. Mother ends up on the national news -Grandfather calls her dancing sugarplum. -Marries Zachary while drunk. Grandfather believes she will become the top of society. -Is physically abused by her husband and pushed around by her sister-in-law, Lucille -Gets a dog called Dog from Willie Jae, 15 year-old African American boy. She has sexual intercourse in the garbage several times -Zachary comes home early and hits Willie Jae. Babe is suicidal, but instead tries to kill Zachary. Makes lemonade and then calls an ambulance.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

New Australian National Nurses Registration Research Paper

New Australian National Nurses Registration - Research Paper Example This new registration system has been enacted through relevant education in each State. This new law oversees the administrative aspects of several health professional groups into one national entity. There are many good reasons to make the change and yet there are also many issues that need to be resolved. Nursing in Australia has been mostly a two tiered structure in which there are level one nurses who have a bachelor degree and level two nurses who have extended their education to receive certificate or diploma. Nurses have been the driving force of the healthcare system in Australia. The system is changing with the needs that have been created with the shortage of nurses and the ageing of the present nursing population. This paper will discuss that change. In 1984, the Commonwealth government made a decision to transfer nursing education to tertiary education with level one nurses prepared at the diploma level. In 1992, it became necessary to have a bachelor's degree (Kenny & Duckett, 2004). The Project 2000 report resulted in the change of second level RN training everywhere but Australia. Australia chose not to do this based on the fact that Australia has stronger unions and different strategies for their professional nurses, such as viewing the second level RN as an associate to the RN. This nurse is called the Enrolled Nurse. These EN's are meant to practice under the direction of the level one nurse or RN (professional nurse). They report to the level one nurse but are still responsible for their own practice (Kenny 2004). Core competencies for the EN have been difficult to monitor as they have been different according to where one works. In some states they have been able to administer medicines and in some states not. The new law which took place July 1, 2010 creates the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for health care practitioners, including nurses and midwives. This new law will create many changes in the way that healthcare is delivered in Australia, in particular, in the rural areas (Forsythe, 2009). It also creates standardization in licensing and in competency levels. It assures the understanding of the RN level of nursing which is University level, the EN which is diploma level and the NP or nurse practitioner level. III. Bodyiii.i Scope of Practice There are three essential criteria that are noted for defining scope of practice. Those are education, competency, and authorization to practice. These guidelines are published under the ANMB-codes and guidelines in Australia. These guidelines give the nurse and organized process in determining whether something that needs to be done is within her scope of practice. Failure to understand these guidelines can lead the new RN to

Monday, August 12, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Global Warming - Essay Example Policy adoption and implementation can help contain manmade global warming. Climate change is caused by the forces of nature. Man has little or no influence on natural climate change, and they occur from time to time as the world readjusts to the forces. Leading causes of natural climate change include volcanicity and change in the energy of the sun reaching the earth. When volcanicity occurs, magma, ash, and other toxic gases are thrown into the atmosphere. The temperature rises to extreme levels due to the sweltering magma being ejected. The volcanic activities produce highly lethal gases such as Sulphur and methane. These gases become trapped in the air thus increase the temperature of the earth. The ash clouds the air and catches lots of heat. The volcanic ash and gases reflect back the sun’s rays trapping much temperature that causes global warming (Victor, 2011). Another cause of natural climate change is the change in the intensity of the sun reaching the earth. During the ice age, the sun was very instrumental in converting the mass of solid water into liquid water. The sun’s rays were weak, and water froze to ice. When the sunshine level increased, the earth became hotter, and more water liquefied, the liquid water collects to form lakes and oceans thus the land that had been buried resurfaced. Man’s activities that contribute to change in the climate include the release of greenhouse gases and clearing of vegetation such as trees. Plants play an enormous role in maintaining the worlds temperature. Plants use the carbon dioxide in the air and convert it into stored energy. When plant absorbs carbon dioxide, they release oxygen. The oxygen the combines with hydrogen to form water that precipitates as rain. Cutting down plants destabilizes the balance by increasing the level of carbon dioxide. The excess carbon dioxide becomes trapped in the air. Trapped carbon dioxide creates an insulation for

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Investments class (Measure for t-bond & funds historical data) Assignment - 2

Investments class (Measure for t-bond & funds historical data) - Assignment Example Funds can be described as the vehicles upon which investor pool their monetary resources to initiate a joint investment (Bodie 56). The beauty of this approach is normally aligned to the fact that possible losses are shared across the group, with little impact on individual investors. On the other hand, the profits registered are also shared in a similar manner; thus proposing this model for consideration in a significant number of investment approaches. A focus on the dynamics exhibited on the common funds based investment channels leads to the development of a perception that has been registered in this field. A reflection on mutual funds indicates a rather reluctant nature in the preference accorded to this model of investment by potential investors. May be an evaluation of the aspects that involves in the realization of a mutual fund investment can lead to the development of a deeper insight on this dynamic. Mutual funds focus on pooling together risks in terms of investment. Small investors pool their monetary value under one basket, thus aligning themselves for a strengthened investment. The caption point that is routinely developed via this approach is the fact that the investment is modeled along with an intelligent platform (Kent 97). The flow of monetary investments under mutual funds has posted significant adjustments across the twenty year period. A reflection on the annular performance of a mutual fund based investor, such as Cohen & Steers Realty Shares (CSRSX), reflects the indicated trend. This organization has been posting mixed adjustments in its annular revenue overview. The implication that may be coined to these mixed results may be fetched from the listed examples. Others include the dynamics experienced in small scale investments across the lapse of time. The contemporary world has provided numerous, and safe

Employee Monitoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Employee Monitoring - Essay Example 1). What U.S. employers can do, and what they should do to maintain a productive workplace, may be two different things. The short-term gains of increased security and perceived productivity can lead to long-term losses in employee morale and greater health care costs from stress and injury -- concerns that also have costs associated with them. This paper will examine the issues of employee monitoring, particularly regarding computer and Internet behaviors, to see whether these policies are good for business. Developments in legal thought and workplace application will be tracked from two early and often-cited cases, Shoars v. Epson No. SWC 112749 (Cal. Super. Ct. 1990) and Smyth v. Pillsbury Co., through a recent case that would seemingly demand an employer's duty to monitor in Doe v. XYC Corp NJ. Super., A-2909-04T2. outside the workplace" (Kizza & Ssanyu, in Weckert, 2). As workplace computer and Internet use increase, so does monitoring of those activities. Correspondingly, more software is now available and affordable for employers to monitor everything from e-mail use to downloading activity to keystrokes per hour, which the authors say has made the monitoring behaviors more evasive and intrusive. Sales of e-mail monitoring software alone have jumped from $139 million in 2001 to an estimated $662 million this year, according to International Data Corp. (Wakefield, para. 1). Historically, emplo Historically, employee monitoring evolved from production line supervisors standing over and watching line workers to ensure they remained on task and tally sheets to record work output. In its early days, Ford Motor Co. would send investigators to inspect employees' homes and finances to determine if they were worthy of the company's profit sharing options (Lewis 21). Employers have long been concerned about employees' non-work-related telephone usage, both in terms of time and long distance costs. Video surveillance in work areas has long been a matter of fact, to protect both employer and employee interests. Drug testing became an issue first for public transportation employees in the 1980s and now many companies require pre-employment screening. Credit, criminal record and other background checks and psychological testing are also common, especially during the interview and hiring stages. Author Frederick S. Lane III, in his book The Naked Employee: How Technology is Compromising Workplace Privacy, explains that businesses are knowingly taking a risk when they implement monitoring policies. They are balancing the cost in time and dollars of surveillance and in lowered morale against the potential returns. "The bet is that the investment in increased surveillance will pay off by reducing employee theft and sabotage, increasing productivity, preventing lawsuits, avoiding violent incidents in the workplace, and preventing terrorist attacks" (11). Early computers were hardly worth worrying about, Lane notes. But the advent of Windows technology and the Internet give plenty of diversions, from solitaire games to shopping. Necessary Evil Employers have legitimate concerns for monitoring employees behavior beyond productivity measures. Security issues range from protecting trade secrets to safeguarding confidential customer data. Excessive use, particularly in downloading

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights Essay

The International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights - Essay Example With regard to the exercise of the cultural rights protected under article 27 [of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights], the Committee observes that culture manifests itself in many forms, including a particular way of life associated with the use of land resources, especially in the case of indigenous peoples. Discuss whether Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which New Zealand is a signatory, is effective in protecting the right of MAORI to enjoy Maori culture in New Zealand. Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights gives to the Maori culture the right to engage in fishing activities and it reiterates its obligations to ensure that these rights are recognized. The Fisheries Settlement has achieved this to a large extent in as much as it gave them the right to revenue through quota together with Maori participation in the Sealords deal in what may be called as the modern day embodiment of Maori claims to the commercial fishery. In this way, Maori exercises effective control in a company through their shareholding and their representatives on the Board of Directors and has placed them in an unprecedented position to expand their presence in the market through the acquisition of further quota and fishing assets as well as through diversification in international catching processing and marketing. Its implementation is ensured and protected by the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission and its companies as well as individual tribes. Apart from this, the Fisheries settlement has come a long way in protecting non-commercial fishing i.e. for customary food gathering and a successful attempt has been made to recognize the special relationship between Maori and places of importance for customary food gathering. It may be noted that the right of minorities under Article 27 is not unlimited. They are subject to reasonable regulation provided these measures have a reasonable and ob jective justification and are consistent with the other provision of the Covenant and most importantly do not result in a denial of right. In Re Mahuika V New Zealand, it was held by one of the committee members that as far as in relation to Article 27 of the Covenant, an overall settlement of fisheries claims is found to be compatible to Article 27 provided that the conditions of effective consultation and securing the sustainability of culturally significant forms of Maori fishing are met. The Human Rights Committee was of the view that there is no breach of any article of the Covenant. In pursuance of the protection of the rights of the Maoris under Article 27 of the Covenant, the State has ensured that through a tedious and complex process of consultation with the various Maori groups it has attempted to secure broad Maori support to a nationwide settlement and regulation of fishing activities. It was only when there was substantial Maori support that the Settlement was enacted. It would not be out of place to mention that the consultation process gave special attention to the cultural and religious significance of fishing for the Maori inter alia to securing the possibility of Maori individuals and communities to engage themselves in non-commercial fishing activities. In this way, the State has taken necessary steps to ensure that the Fisheries Settlement and its enactment through legislation including the Quota Management System are in line with article 27.